Current Addresses

The main entry point to the application is the page that lists your current addresses. When you start using the application, you will be presented with a form to enter your current address. For a personal account, it will typically be your home address. For a business account, it will be the address of the business. Here is the link to the current addresses page:

The address entry page guide describes the details of adding an address.

Your account can have multiple current addresses. For example, you can add your other homes and your work address to your personal account. For a business account, you can add additional business addresses if they exist.

If you are a household, it is likely that more than one person will submit the same address to Contacters. These include children, who at some point will leave the household to their own. Therefore, their change of address will be separate from the others in the household. For easier handling of such cases, we recommend those likely to leave have their own account.

The sooner you create an account and start using the application for recording your submissions, the more benefit you will get from it. We even recommend recording submissions made before signing up, as far as you remember them.

Adding Current Addresses

You can use the Add Address floating button to add another current address. As explained above, this can be your other home(s), your work, or your second business location(s). The address entry page guide describes the details of adding an address.

Recording Address Submissions

You have now added your current addresses to your account. The next action you will take in the application is to record it whenever you submit any of these addresses to a Contacter. You make an address submission in one of two ways, online or offline. Here is how you record them in each case.

Nowadays, in the majority of cases, you submit your address online on a Contacter's website. For example, you give your address to a retailer for the delivery of your purchases, or you make applications online to a variety of places. In such cases, the easiest way to record the submission is to use our browser extensions while you are on the Contacter's address form page. See how the extensions work in the browser extension guide, or use these buttons to go directly to the extension pages.

If you cannot get the browser extensions to work, or when you submit your address offline in traditional ways, you can record the submission in the application manually. In such cases, you can use the Submissions button on the toolbar of the relevant current address in the current addresses page to take you to the address submissions page. See the address submissions page guide for how to do it.

Change of Address

Although you will be notifying the Contacters of your change of address at the current release of the application, you still need to apply the change in the application to keep the information up to date. You can use the Move button on the toolbar of the relevant current address in the current addresses page to apply the change when you move. This button will take you to the address entry page, where you can enter the new address.

Once you applied the change of address, your current address will show the new address. Now, you should start notifying the Contacters. Since you have recorded all your address submissions, you can get the list of Contacters in the submissions page and use the recorded details to contact them. As you might already know, in the future releases of the application, most of this will be done automatically for you.

Editing and Deleting an Address

You may need to edit an address when you have entered some details incorrectly or want to change some or all the details for any reason. Similarly, you may want to delete a current address entirely. In such cases, you should use the Edit or Delete buttons available on the toolbar of the relevant current address. However, you can only edit or delete an address if no data is yet associated with it in the application. This is usually right after you add the address or before you record a submission to a Contacter in the application.

You should not edit an address to reflect a change of address. You edit a current address when you want to correct it. Always use the Move button for this purpose.