

We offer a solution to your change of address problem. If you already know how this problem affects you, we recommend signing up to join our members and starting using the application and the browser extension. You are not required to do much when using the application, but the sooner you start, the more help you can get from it, and the easier your change of address problem becomes. Use this button to become a member:

If you are already a member, use these buttons to go directly to the application and start using it or go to the guides explaining the application and how to use it:

We have developed browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox, which simplify using the app to a large extent. You can explore them in these links and install them in your browser:

If you need more information on what this is about, read on! You will find out what the problem is and how it can affect you and what is the solution we offer.

Change of Address: The Hidden Side of Moving

Moving home or office is a demanding job. You have to find a place, go through the process of buying or renting, prepare the place before you move in and pack up your stuff at the same time, move, and finally unpack! Each of these steps takes a couple of words to say but a village to do. Fortunately, there are companies out there to help take some of the pressure off you. But, there is more to moving than all these hassles!

The Problem

Shortly after you settle in your new place and start to forget about all the hassle of moving, you realize that you are still not completely done with your old place. You need to go back and collect your mail delivered one after another to the old address because you forgot to inform all the potential senders about your change of address.

Potential senders are organizations and commerce companies to whom you have submitted your address at some stage and are likely to send you mail or packages. The list usually includes driving license authorities, your banks and other financial institutions, utility companies, tax authorities, etc. We call these entities Contacters.

It might not be a great deal to go back and collect your deliveries for a while if you moved only a few blocks away and the person moving into your old place is your cousin. However, in the most likely scenario, you move further away and do not know the people who replace you. Put another way, the solution is as inconvenient as the problem itself.

To avoid these situations, you need to notify each Contacter about your change of address before or immediately after you moved. There are, however, a few problems with this solution:

  1. You may forget entirely about the change of address notifications.
  2. You may not remember all the Contacters.
  3. Calling every single Contacter can be daunting.

Our mission is to solve these problems: we strive to build a solution that eliminates all your concerns about this side of moving. Read on to know more about how we do it.

Our Solution

We have been working on creating a platform that enables people to handle their change of address as swiftly and smoothly as possible. Our vision is that change of address should need minimal or no effort from your side.

This platform addresses all three problems mentioned above. The development of the platform is divided into two phases. Phase 1 targets the first two problems and is already finished. Phase 2 aims at solving the third problem and is currently the work in progress. The following describes each phase.

The third problem is still a work in progress to solve.

Phase 1

Record Your Address Submissions

The outcome of this development phase is an application and a browser extension. The application reminds you to start taking care of the change of address notifications around the time you are likely to move. It also allows you to record your address submissions to Contacters. When you move in the future, you will use these records to notify the Contacters of your change of address.

The application is a Web application and can be accessed via any web browser. As a Progressive Web Application (PWA), it can also be installed on your Android, iOS and Windows devices. You can start using the application by simply signing up and adding your address. You can then record your address submission in the application. Here are the links to sign up and to the address page of the application:

When you submit your address offline, such as on the phone or in physical form, you can add the record manually in the application in an easy step. When submitting online on a Contacter's website, you can use the browser extensions to record it automatically. It can either add the record directly to your data or take you to the application to add additional information to the record.

The browser extension is available on Chrome and Firefox. You can install it using one of the following links. The extension pages and the extension interface itself provide you the necessary instructions.

Phase 2

Leave Your Change of Address to US

When this phase is complete, you will no longer need to notify the Contacters about your change of address. Instead, you will change your address in the application, and we will do the rest. There are other features planned for this phase, all aiming to keep your job at a minimum.

What to Do

Whether you have just moved or will move at some stage in the future, we recommend you start recording your address submissions now. Sign up and start using the application and the browser extension. It will not solve the change of address problem with your recent moving, but it is the best action you can take to solve it with your future moving.

Always remember that we are open to our members' feedback and insights and value them highly. We believe listening to you is the only way we can guarantee building an impactful application and offering a unique service.

Use the feedback form at the bottom of every page to start the conversation. We will be delighted to hear from you and answer your questions.